“The Innovator’s Solution by Clayton M. Christensen and Michael E. Raynor provides a methodical approach to fostering innovation, guiding companies through the complexities of disruptive technologies in a fast-evolving commercial world.
Originals by Adam Grant
Grant contends that originality is nurtured through certain habits and perspectives conducive to innovation, not that it is innate.
Built to Last by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras
‘Built to Last’ provides profound insights into the elements contributing to the lasting success of visionary companies.
There is nothing in life which can make it worthwhile except an ideal.
Purity of Life
Purity is the process through which the life-rhythm manifests; the rhythm of that indwelling spirit which has worked through the ages in mineral and plant in animal and man.
Law of action
Every man is a sculpture of his own image. Every man is a creator of his own conditions, favourable or unfavourable.
Man, the master of his destiny
Destiny is not what is already made; destiny is what we are making. Destiny means the materialisation of man’s own thought.
Stages on the path of self-realization
Every person has his own God. Let them all call God by any name, or think of him with whatever imagination they have. It is after all the highest ideal and the ideal of each one is as high as his imagination can make it.
Path of attainment
The secret of life is the desire to attain something; the absence of this makes life useless. Hope is the sustenance of life; hope comes from the desire to attain something.
Limitation to perfection
An artist wishes to bring out the best that is in him; therein lies his satisfaction. In every soul there is a longing to bring out, to bring to a culmination, what is waiting within.