Our Life Experience

Consciously or unconsciously we call to us that element which makes us who we are.

Life is a comedy, and the more you look at it the more you can smile at it; smile not at the people but at yourself.

Life is always different from what one thinks it to be.

Most of the reasons for their misery to be found in their ignorance. If they knew how to fight, how to get out of their misery, there would be many ways of doing so.

No person in this world is desirous of calling for something that he does not wish to have — think beforehand of what you want.

The principle of the whole of creation is based on this: even the fruits and flowers, the plants and trees, in order to be what they are, call for that element which makes them.

The more we study science or chemistry, we shall find that each being and each object with a certain peculiarity shows that it is like that because it has called for that particular element.

No quality can exist without being maintained by what it attracts every moment of the day.

Man who is so-to-speak the finished product of creation shows this doctrine in its fullness. His success, his failure, his sorrow, his joy all depend upon what he calls and what he has called to himself.

If one considered this question more deeply, one would come to a very great realisation, and especially of the secret of good and bad and fortune. One would realise that it is not always by design that a soul is so limited that it cannot get out of a certain condition, that every soul makes for itself a condition.

All conditions are illusory, and in the end the sum total of every person’s difficulties is the same; that is to say the sum total is the horizon, but if we have to point out where the horizon is, we cannot. As we go towards the horizon we find the distinction between cause and effect becoming paler and paler and everything balances more and more in our life.

If there were no pain one would not have the experience of joy. It is pain which helps one to experience joy. Everything is distinguished by its opposite; and the one who feels pain deeply is more capable of expressing joy.

If there were no pain, life would be most uninteresting; for it is by pain that penetration takes place, and the sensation after pain is a deeper joy.

The purpose of life is that we grow towards perfection; from the greatest limitation we grow towards perfection. Its beauty is in acquiring wisdom, in living at the cost of all our failures, our mistakes. It is all worthwhile and it accomplishes the purpose of our coming to Earth.

Happiness is our birthright. It is good to look for the cause of our sorrows in our thoughts and actions. Sometimes it is not only the conditions of life which cause us sorrow, but we allow them to create sorrow for us.

A part of sorrow comes from life, and a part we make ourselves.

We may ask: what is that illusion which torments us?

The true meaning of illusion is not realised until the reality of life is understood, until the innermost or eternal life is realised. It is when we understand that everything seems to be an illussion; illusion which seems to exist but yet does not exist in any form.

The nature of all things is like this: their existence is transitory. We are so hypnotised by all we see, that momentarily we forget it is not lasting. The way of the mystic is to close his eyes and also his heart to that which is not lasting, in order to have a chance of finding out that there is a life which is not transitory.

Real virtue is learnt by the study of reality

When we are in the midst of the world we are exposed to all the agreeable and disagreeable experiences which life gives us. If there is a way of making life easy for ourselves it is only by harmonising within ourselves so that we can harmonise with all the different conditions and experiences of life.

If we complain, there is no end to our complaints. In order to have no complaints we must not complain. But we should be conscious of the fact that all we experience is also called by us also. Thus, at each step in our life we must be wise, in order to recognise, among all the things that we desire, those that we should call to ourselves and those that we should not.

The past has passed, it is no use mourning over it. It is just as well to forget the past except for beautiful impressions and good memories.

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