What is kanban?

Kanban is an incremental approach to process improvement. Kanban uses a pull-system framework that limits the number of work-in-progress tasks at any given time. As a result, demand aligns with capacity, reducing operational inefficiencies. Kanban is a multifaceted system that has been adopted for many reasons. The main reasons for rationalizing material flow include reducing stock levels, optimizing incomplete production, enhancing flexibility, simplifying organization, facilitating coordination and control, and creating a more streamlined material flow process. 

Information and ideas are the primary components of knowledge work. Applied to software and systems, the Kanban concept has evolved into a tool for aligning work with resource capabilities to harmonize information flow. 

Focus is placed on limiting work in progress according to capacity. It is a ‘pull’ system, where work is drawn into the process instead of being ‘pushed’ through a predetermined schedule; therefore, starting work depends on the availability of suitable resources.

The traditional engineering field was primarily influenced by aerospace and defence challenges half a century ago. 

Although this classical approach has proven helpful in classic environments, it has failed to meet the requirements of modern, fast-paced deployment environments where project specifications are not well-defined or subject to rapid change. Consequently, it has become clear that more flexible systems engineering methodologies are necessary to meet contemporary requirements. Kanban is intended to supply materials just in time for manufacturing workstations. 

The information concerning the type and quantity of production needed by the preceding stages. 

Kanban is a method of managing workflow in manufacturing settings that uses visual signals, typically cards. Each card represents an allocatable unit of work, defined by parameters such as the creation or integration of a part. As soon as all cards have been utilised, work on additional tasks will be deferred until the completion of an existing task releases a card. This practice synchronizes workflow with operational capacity, reduces interruptions, minimizes excess inventory and delays, avoids unnecessary rework, and allows monitoring of work progress. Kanban underscores the importance of iterative, incremental changes that endure. Shared knowledge about work theories, workflows, processes, and risks among teams enhances the collective understanding of problems.  The Kanban Method sharpens the visualisation of an existing software development process.  Instead of redefining it, Kanban reveals details about the current process. As a result, the organization can better understand and communicate needed changes. Kanban enhances visibility into work items and workflow issues. Understanding the current development system capability leads to more accurate predictability.

In modern knowledge work, workflows are often obscured within digital information systems. Making this workflow visible is critical to better understanding work process dynamics. A card wall with cards and columns is typically employed for this purpose. Each column signifies a different state or phase in the workflow and represents work items and the workflow on a card wall or an electronic board.

Constricting work-in-progress denotes implementing a pull system, partially or wholly, across the workflow. This pull system induces continuous, incremental, and evolutionary changes. Work-in-progress limits are imperative at each workflow stage, and the latest work is introduced via a pull mechanism. It involves setting agreed-upon limits on the number of work items in progress at any given time. Monitoring, quantifying, and reporting workflow through each state is essential. By proactively observing the flow, one can empirically assess the effects of incremental and evolutionary changes on the system. This involves tracking work items to ensure steady, even progress. The value creation network is the intricate sequence of information discovery and creativity that occurs from the initial request to software delivery. Visualizing such a network can be challenging. It typically degenerates into a rough sequence of steps, showing common handoffs and time spent queuing. Optimization often results from analyzing the value creation network. Different work item types may flow differently and require separate analysis and visualization. The card wall will be created for the portion of the value creation network under the political control of managers who support the Kanban initiative.

The Card Wall is essential for visualizing workflow. Work process activities should be mapped instead of job descriptions or functions. Columns should be drawn to represent these activities in their sequence of occurrence. You can further enhance the wall by segmenting columns into ‘In-Progress’ and ‘Completed’ states, adding initial input queues, and incorporating any downstream delivery steps you wish to visualize. Buffers or queues, denoted as ‘Ready’ or ‘Done,’ can also be placed between activities—the cards, whether sticky notes or index cards, should represent features, stories, or tasks. Essential card information includes the title, reference number, and the date it entered the system. The objective is to make the Card Wall a dynamic reflection of your existing development process, intending to refine it over time. Understanding a process’s mechanism is generally only possible through an explicit policy. Discussions concerning improvement remain unproductive and subjective unless there is a clear understanding of the operational structure. When the process becomes straightforward, discussions transition from emotional to objective, fostering consensus on improvements. It involves agreeing upon and posting policies about how work will be handled.

The W.I.P limits should be established as an average number of items per person or small team. These limits range from one to three items per individual or team. The goal is not to find the ideal number but to start somewhere reasonable and adjust empirically. Upstream and downstream stakeholders, senior management, and the development team should reach a consensus on W.I.P. limits. Every option needs a limit. Setting a W.I.P. limit on the input queue of upcoming work enables users to focus on what is most valuable. This queue serves as a bridge between the backlog and actual development, allowing for interim prioritization. The size of this queue should be minimal, only large enough to accommodate natural variations in task size and duration.

Once identified, bottlenecks should be buffered. Create a lane on the Card Wall as a holding area near the bottleneck, introducing some slack into the process. The buffer size should be large enough to keep the bottleneck area active but as small as possible to maintain efficiency. It is critical to exercise caution when considering any workflow steps without W.I.P. limits, as this could introduce bottlenecks or elevate transaction and coordination costs. Limited W.I.P. often necessitates team members to ‘swarm’ around a work item to complete it. This collaborative, cross-functional approach helps complete work faster and more efficiently.

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