Man has it in his power to improve his life’s conditions greatly if only he does not lose patience before a desirable condition is brought about, if his courage has not been exhausted, and if his hope has endured.
The Secret of Life
Man’s attitude is the secret of life, for it is upon man’s attitude that success and failure depend.
Art of Personality
In becoming a person the beauty which is hidden in an individual develops itself, and it is the development of the individuality which is personality.
The Purpose of Life
Every living being has a purpose in life and it is the knowing of that purpose which enables every soul to fulfil it.
Aim of Life
What is the main object of one’s life? What are the driving forces?
The Alchemy of Happiness
The soul (atman) itself is happiness, pleasure is only an illusion. Read more here and find out!
Autism and the Impact on Family
Autism is considered one of the most debilitating developmental disorders in psychology. The purpose of this essay is to contextualize family life and the dynamics of family involvement regarding autistic individuals.
Cultivation Theory and Law and Order
Using Gerbner’s Cultivation Theory with the show Law and Order, we can understand how this exposure to violence in television can make the audience feel that their world is more violent than it is.
Stuart Hall’s Encoding/Decoding Model on Three iPod Advertisements
This essay will make the case for the utility of this model through an analysis of three Apple Inc. iPod advertisements via Hall’s concepts, arguing that his production-reception model is a useful approach to understanding modern mass media messages, especially advertising.
Don McKellar’s Last Night and Canada’s Popular Culture
As a Canadian film striving for its own identification among Hollywood’s entertainment apparatus, Don McKellar’s Last Night uses a recognizable Canadian style, tone and themes, and identifies itself, in the broader sense, against Hollywood.