Browsing Category Agile

The Fundamentals of Sprints

The following are the basic rules for sprints: sprints are time-bound, usually lasting two to four weeks, team members commit to achieving a sprint goal, no one outside the team is not permitted to make additions or changes. A sprint planning meeting is held at the beginning of a sprint, during which the team and stakeholders establish a goal.  Team members participate in daily scrum…

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Role of the Scrum Master

Scrum Masters serve as coaches and facilitators, removing distractions that impede teams from delivering value. They are not traditional leaders or managers, yet many organisations still perceive the Scrum Master role as conventional leadership and treat them as managers who control and dictate tasks. The Scrum Master ensures that the team comprehends and utilises the Scrum framework to achieve their goals and objectives. They must…

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History and Origins of Scrum

Since the Industrial Revolution, product development methods have continuously evolved, reflecting the transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age. The internet has revolutionised collaboration in recent years, enabling engineering and design teams to work more closely together. This enhanced collaboration has significantly accelerated the development of products and services. The Industrial Revolution, which spanned from 1760 to 1840, led to a need for…

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