The soul (atman) itself is happiness
Pleasure is only an illusion –> man may pass his life without finding satisfaction.
Pleasure is the shadow of happiness
The man who does not know the secret of happiness often develops greed.
Happiness cannot be bought or sold
All that is born, all that is made, must one day face destruction; all that has a beginning also has an end; but if there’s one thing one can count upon it is hidden in the heart of man, it is the divine spark, the true philosopher’s stone, the real gold which is the innermost being of man.
A man may follow a religion and yet not come to the realisation of truth; but of what use is his religion to him if he is not happy?
The secret to concentration is to be learnt in the science of breath.
Breath is the essence and centre of life, and knowledge of the proper breathing method can control the mind.
When the mind is in perfect control and is no longer restless, one can hold a thought at will as long as one wishes
How is gold made?
Gold is made from mercury, but mercury is ever-moving. Through a process, mercury is stilled and becomes silver. Once silver is melted, the juice of an herb is poured onto it, creating gold.
To turn man’s heart into gold, silver must be heated before it can melt. Then, the juices representing goodness are poured onto it (aka the herb), turning the heart into gold.
That warmth comes from the divine essence in the heart of man, which comes forth as love, tolerance, sympathy, service, humility, unselfishness in a stream which rises and falls in a thousand drops, each drop of which could be called a virtue, all coming from that one stream hidden in the heart of man: the love element, and when it glows in the heart of man, then the actions, the movements, the tone of the voice, the expression, all show that the heart is warm.
The moment this happens, a man lives.