The inner life

The inner life is much greater, nobler, and more powerful than the outer life.

‍The inner life clears the mind, for it is that part of one’s being that may be called divine, the essence of life, pure intelligence.

The inner life makes one richer.

The outer life keeps one confused; however intellectually or learned a person may be, his mind will never be clear, for his knowledge is based upon reasons which in turn are founded upon the outer things that are liable to change and destruction.

There is such a thing as belief in a third eye; in reality, the third eye is the inner eye, the eye that is opened by one’s own leaning to the inner life.

Man who is solely occupied with the things of the world is in the midst of the world, but he is in the desert.

Man is the centre of joy, happiness, of peace, of power, of life, and of light

The inner life may also be called the spiritual life. The inner life produces man, not artificial virtues and man-made qualities.

We think it is very important to analyse things, and the analysis of human nature we call psychology. Man analyses everyone except himself, and therefore true psychology is never reached, because the real psychology to analyse is oneself first, and when one’s self is analysed then one is able to analyse others.

Inner life means widening the horizon and changing the direction of seeing. Before taking the path of inner life, one should first be free.

When a person is holding on to certain beliefs, he is not moving forward.

What the inner life requires first is freedom to proceed. The inner life also requires sacrifice.

Man considers that his learning, his qualifications, everything in his life, are there so that he may gain everything he can in this world—power, possessions, wealth, anything—and believing that sacrifice is contrary to gain, he thus develops in himself a nature for gaining instead of sacrificing.

Sacrifice requires a large mind, it requires deep sympathies, great love, sacrifice is the most difficult thing.

Inner life is something which is within oneself; it has been called a chamber of divine light in one’s heart.

The sages who have realised the inner life have realised it by contemplative means.

One may sometimes have this feeling unconsciously. In what way? In love of solitude, in sympathy for others, in a tendency towards sincerity, in the form of inspiration coming from all that is good and beautiful

The inner life may manifest in the form of emotion, love, affection, in the form of inspiration, of a revelation, of a vision, or as art, poetry or music.

Everything becomes spiritual once this door of the chamber of the heart is open.

The world cannot progress without a spiritual stimulus, a spiritual awakening.

Achieving inner life requires:

  1. Man should value the inner life more than anything else in the world.
  2. When one begins to value something one thinks it is worthwhile and giving time to it
  3. The condition of his mind should be relieved of that pressure which is always in a person’s heart, when he thinks he has not borne what he ought to have done towards his fellow men.

If that pressure is troubling the mind, then that mind is not ready.

When once the herat is at rest through the feeling that one has aid, ir is paying one’s, then one comes to a balanced condition in life.

When a person’s mind and heart are in the state in which they ought normally be, he need not seek for happiness, he radiates happiness.

The Hindu idea is that self means happiness, that the depth of the self is happiness. This means that all this outer structure, the physical body, the breath, the senses of perception, all of which help to make man, are most important; but his inner being can be called by only one name and that name is happiness.

The inner life must not be considered a life which is spnet in the forest or in a cave of the mountain or in retirement. Solitude is not a necessity for attaining happiness. One can be in the midst of the world and yet stand above the world.

Life has many woes, and the only way to get rid of them is to stand above them all, and this can be attained by one thing only — the discovery of the inner life.

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