What we lack most in life is to be tuned with the infinite and to be in rhythm with the infinite. In other words, to be in rhythm with the conditions of life and to be in tune with the source of our existence.
Man has it in his power to improve his life’s conditions greatly if only he does not lose patience before a desirable condition is brought about, if his courage has not been exhausted, and if his hope has endured.
Our perpetual complaints against all things in life come from our not being in rhythm with the diverse conditions of life that we have to face.
If we were placed in the very conditions that we had desired, believing them to be the best, we would not even then say that we were quite satisfied; we would surely find something lacking in that condition as well.
With all the errors and mistakes and shortcomings we find in our external life, we see a perfect hand working behind it all.
No doubt it is in man’s power to improve his life’s conditions greatly if only he does not lose patience before a desirable condition is brought about, if his courage has not been exhausted, and if his hope has endured
If harmony can be established peacefully it is better to avoid battling, though it is a fact that those who complain most about life are the ones who struggle the most with life’s conditions.
The great heroes who have really fought through life and gained life’s victory have not been those who fought against conditions; they made peace with the conditions of life.
The great souls have extended their hand first to their worst enemy, because the one who makes his enemy his friend will make a friend of his own self.
When there is a favourable condition we are very often afraid it might pass, but when there is an adverse condition we do not generally think that it will pass. We think it will last forever.
Hope is the only source that keeps us alive. The best thing we can do is to go through every condition that life presents with patience, with understanding, with open eyes, and so try to rise above it with every little effort we can make.
Tuning ourselves to the infinite is achieved by the way of silence, by the way of meditation, by the way of thinking of something which is beyond and above all things of this mortal world; by giving some moments of our life to the thought of getting in tune which that is the source and goal of all of us, realising that in the source alone is the secret of happiness and peace.
The nature of being in tune with the infinite is this: comparing our soul to a string of an infinite is achieved by way of silence, by the way of meditation, by the way of thinking of something which is beyond and above all things of this mortal world.
The work that a Sufi considers to be his sacred task is only this simple thing: to be in rhythm with life’s conditions and to be in tune with the infinite
When a person is cross and has lost his temper, then he is the weak one.
The point is to meet one’s condition with understanding and with complete resignation.
Life is a struggle and we must be ready to struggle.