Fundamentals of user stories

User stories are designed to elicit a conversation by describing how a feature will benefit a customer. In order to maximize the value of individual features, agile development must be combined with value determination. By contrast, a user story describes requirements from the perspective of the user. The design is not described in detail. Stories are used to start discussions about details. A template guides the development of user stories by team members and stakeholders.

Mike Cohn recommended the following format of a user story: As a user role , I want goal so that reason. For example: as a stakeholder, I want smooth wheels so that I can ride easily over street surfaces.

Detail level. User stories form the basis of a sprint. A sprint must be able to accommodate these user stories. It is not recommended to break down feature-size stories at the start of the project. A product owner cannot handle that much work. Breaking down features is determined by priority. A planning meeting begins with breaking down high-priority stories into smaller ones. Epics are user stories that cannot be completed within a sprint. Some themes are grouped based on user stories’ relevance. It is possible to group user stories based on themes in order to estimate them.

Index cards are used for writing user stories. User stories are often represented on 3-by-5 index cards. User stories can be handled with these cards, but they can also be used for other purposes. The size of a card limits the amount of detail you can put on it. It isn’t necessary to include every detail in a story. In order to prevent this, a small card is used. As a result of collaborative settings, such as daily scrums and planning meetings, cards can be manipulated by more hands (sorted, edited, replaced, and passed).

Testable. Agile user stories must be built in such a way that they produce useful working software as soon as possible in accordance with INVEST criteria. When you follow agile principles and values, you can specify requirements according to agile development principles.

Independent. Other stories are not required to be completed for this story to be completed. This is important: Dependencies cause delays. You will have user-ready working software once all or both of the dependent stories are completed.

Negotiable. Although there are some suggestions in this story, they don’t provide a solution. When the story is treated as an evolving conversation between the product owner and the development team, it builds a shared understanding between them. Developers are aware of the benefits their products will bring to users, while product owners are aware of the best approach for achieving these gains. You can also adjust your delivery as you acquire new knowledge if you accept that the story may change.

Valuable. In an effective and concise manner, the story summarizes the benefits its users receive. Ultimately, Agile aims to deliver useful and functional products. Your user stories should explicitly state what value they will provide. What makes it viable, as far as meeting users’ needs, mitigating risks, reducing costs, and allowing for knowledge acquisition? Describe the role the story plays in helping you achieve the vision for your product.

Estimable. Development teams can estimate the size of a story based on the story details. Product owners need to know the size of the stories so they can plan an iteration that will deliver working software. Furthermore, product owners should recognize the size and scope of each story in order to prioritise those that are most valuable and require the least amount of time and effort.

Small. The story is the smallest piece of work that can lead to useful software. Getting quick feedback from your users is one of the benefits of Agile. To deliver working software in short iterations, you need small stories. It is more likely that a shorter story will deliver value by the end of the iteration.

Completeness is determined by how clear the story is. In other words, if there are no Yes or No answers to the question, “Have all the acceptance criteria been met?” developers will have difficulty writing automated tests, and product owners will not be able to confirm acceptance criteria.

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